FEATURE FRIDAY – KARI STOOKEY The generous and savvy businesswoman Celebrating life-changing moments and knowing that the jewelry we create will be passed down from generation to generation is my favorite part about being in the jewelry industry. You could say that being an entrepreneur and jeweler runs deep in my veins. Although I come …

The Diamond Doppelganger

I recently read that a Dublin City University student Niamh Geaney had started a campaign to find the “twins” of strangers on Facebook after discovering her own doppelganger through the social media site in only 16 days. I understand Math and variables well enough to know that the odds of ever finding and meeting my doppelganger …

Remembering April

Meet “Lucy” To help understand the heat and pressure required to create a diamond, consider “Lucy,” a white dwarf star only 5.87 trillion miles, or 50 light years, from earth. That may seem like a great distance, but in terms of the universe, Lucy is actually quite close. After all, she’s in our galaxy. Discovered …

Falling in L-O-V-E with Noam Carver

Kari’s Diamonds is falling in love with Noam Carver. His eye for raw beauty has all of us squealing with delight as we unveil each new design! Noam Carver is a sculptor, designer and goldsmith whose jewelry unites classic and contemporary motifs from around the world. From concept through fabrication, each piece is meticulously hand-crafted …

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